Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Burson-Marsteller’s Rylance on Indian PR

“I think the Indian PR market is already sophisticated,” said Bill Rylance, President & CEO, Burson-Marsteller Asia Pacific/Middle East. “It is a highly competitive market with many impressive firms, and, of course, an incredibly vibrant media. I think it is facing the same challenges as many other markets such as increasing scarcity of talent, spiralling costs, and demands by clients for improved efficiency.”

In January 2008, Rylance takes over as Chairman, Burson-Marsteller Asia Pacific, and Vice Chairman, Global Development, Burson-Marsteller Worldwide.

During his tenure as President and CEO (since 1999) of Burson-Marsteller Asia Pacific/Middle East, Rylance has seen the Asia Pacific network more than double in size, reports exchange4media’s Pallavi Goorha.

Talking about India’s perception of PR as a profession, he said, “India is rapidly changing in the way it looks at the public relations profession, and its emerging role in the entire communication spectrum. Just as India is converging with the global economy, so is the public relations industry.”


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